Congratulations:McDavid is Getting Married to His Girlfriend of 8-Years

It looks like the Edmonton Oilers’ captain will be signing a long-term (marriage) deal in the near future. Connor McDavid and Lauren Kyle just announced their engagement on Instagram this afternoon.
Lauren Kyle writes, “I cannot put into words how happy I am to be spending the rest of our lives together. Almost 8 years of growth, happiness and so much love and I can’t believe we have so much more to look forward to.” Lauren and Connor have a house and a dog (Lenny) together, who was seen in one of the photos sporting a bandana celebrating the engagement.
This summer the happy couple vacationed in a luxury resort known as The Amangiri, in Canyon Point, Utah. After a long season and playoffs, getting adequate rest is paramount.
With a new season on the horizon and a wedding to plan for, McDavid will have his hands full. So will Lauren, judging by the size of that rock on her finger. McDavid will get back into hockey mode in the fall, with pre-season games scheduled for the end of the September into October.